Voice of Reason

A World Without Purposeful America is Hub for Evil.

In 1990, Iraq invaded Kuwait. The world condemned the actions of Saddam Hussein but the world and Kuwait needed someone to redress the situation so that it would not become a pattern in the comity of nations for a nation to usurp the sovereignty of another nation. The best-known weapon of the United Nations Organization […]

Death: Is It Good Night Or Goodbye?

It is natural and human to be filled with deep sorrow when our loved ones die. The physical separation is usually agonizing. Often, it seems unthinkable as we see one’s father, mother, sibling, or friend lying in the wooden casket, and being lowered into mother earth, knowing that in reality we cannot see them anymore […]

President Trump and ‘Shithole’ Comment

Politics is getting messier all around the world. We wake up daily to new games politicians employ to outdo each other, getting the electorate confused as to what is the truth. They engage in character assassination of one another in the quest for political advantage. Unfortunately, power like life itself, is for a brief moment. […]