Voice of Reason

Who is God?, Is Christ the Lord, Christian Ministries, Christian Resources, Conservative Voice, Christian Voice, Church events, Church Community, Faith, Prayer, Praying, Bible, Words of God, Jerusalem, Israel, Sin, Satan, Genesis, Fellowship, Angel, Garden of Eden, Angel, Revelation, Salvation, Atonement, Antichrist, Apostasy, Bible, Calvary, Christ, Church, Conversion, Devil, Eternity, Evangelical/Evangelist, Gospel, Heaven, Hell, Incarnation, Justification, Kingdom, Resurrection, Mediator, Mark’s Gospel, New birth, Repentance, Salvation, Truth, Transcendence, Unbelief, World, Yahweh, Omega

The Clock is Ticking

The year 2023 is fast approaching. Time flies is today’s adage. When did we begin 2022? January feels like yesterday and now we are here on December 31, 2022, 365 days later. However, time is not my problem, but rather what has occurred these 365 days of the year 2022. Looking at each day with […]

Who is God?, Is Christ the Lord, Christian Ministries, Christian Resources, Conservative Voice, Christian Voice, Church events, Church Community, Faith, Prayer, Praying, Bible, Words of God, Jerusalem, Israel, Sin, Satan, Genesis, Fellowship, Angel, Garden of Eden, Angel, Revelation, Salvation, Atonement, Antichrist, Apostasy, Bible, Calvary, Christ, Church, Conversion, Devil, Eternity, Evangelical/Evangelist, Gospel, Heaven, Hell, Incarnation, Justification, Kingdom, Resurrection, Mediator, Mark’s Gospel, New birth, Repentance, Salvation, Truth, Transcendence, Unbelief, World, Yahweh, Omega

Why did they kill Jesus Christ?

Going a little farther, he fell with his face to the ground and prayed, “My Father, if it is possible, may this cup be taken from me. Yet not as I will, but as you will.” (Mat 26:39) It is usually part of a normal investigation of a crime to determine the motives of the […]

Who is God?, Is Christ the Lord, Christian Ministries, Christian Resources, Conservative Voice, Christian Voice, Church events, Church Community, Faith, Prayer, Praying, Bible, Words of God, Jerusalem, Israel, Sin, Satan, Genesis, Fellowship, Angel, Garden of Eden, Angel, Revelation, Salvation, Atonement, Antichrist, Apostasy, Bible, Calvary, Christ, Church, Conversion, Devil, Eternity, Evangelical/Evangelist, Gospel, Heaven, Hell, Incarnation, Justification, Kingdom, Resurrection, Mediator, Mark’s Gospel, New birth, Repentance, Salvation, Truth, Transcendence, Unbelief, World, Yahweh, Omega

Christmas: What if not December 25?

Was Jesus born on December 25? What do we know? What do we not know? What if Jesus was not born on December 25? Does that change the narrative about Him, His purpose, and His impact on the world? We are in the great season that is very significant in the lives of humanity. It […]

The Issues in the World: The Seen and the Unseen.

The Issues in the World: The Seen and the Unseen. First, I want to commiserate again with those who lost their loved ones on September 11 n , 2001. I also salute the memory of all those who paid the supreme price for the United States of America to protect people from violence of mankind […]

Nigeria Nation: On the Brink

I wrote a few articles when my brother and good friend, Segun Adeniyi was in Thisday Newspaper. Segun was a creative writer of all times. I have not heard much about him since the exit of Yar Adua’s government. He was the president’s image maker (Press Secretary) when it was a big ado to hold […]

Celebrating Christmas – The Great Lessons of 2020

This year was presumably two thousand and twenty years (2020) after the death and resurrection to life of our Lord Jesus Christ. It is a year of significance in events and developments around the world. It is an important year because not many people currently alive have passed through similar experiences in the past. And […]

The Gift of Resurrection- A Matter of Personal Choice.

Very rarely will anyone die for a righteous person, though for a good person someone might possibly dare to die. But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: while we were still sinners, Christ died for us. The most phenomenal event since the world was created was the death of Jesus Christ. He […]

Coronavirus Pandemic (COVID-19) – Uncertainty of Life

The Coronavirus Pandemic (COVID-19) is a serious problem that took the world unawares, and by the time the world knew it, everyone seemed n to be running for their lives. As at the time of writing this article, over 300,000 cases of infected people have been confirmed, worldwide. There could be more cases that are […]

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